Cool Woman – Ginger Beebe

Ginger Beebe is the First Lady of the State Of Arkansas and the wife of Governor Mike Beebe. Some of Beebe’s favorite causes include literacy, mental health issues advocating for people with special needs, supporting the arts, and all causes that are important to the people of Arkansas.  Her honors include Women and Children First’s Woman of the Year, Hospital Auxiliary volunteer of the Year,  and Interfaith Hospitality Network Homeless Advocate of the Year. I have actually had the honor to meet her in person before a Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Run and she truly is an amazing women. Would you believe that she was adopted and from that she has not let it stop her any from becoming the woman she is today.

“Don’t give up, but also remember, the biggest part of your life is going to be outside the foster care system. So get your education, be of good character, and when you’re out of foster care, you can have the best life, the life you dream of.”

— Ginger Beebe


Cool Woman – Marge Wolf

Marge Wolf is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Northwest Arkansas Food Bank. What makes her so cool? Wolf began as president/CEO of the Rogers-Lowell United Way, then served as president/CEO of Main Street Rogers before taking up her current position in 2008. Wolf also served as a justice of the peace on the Quorum Court for five terms. Wolf currently serves as president of the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance. Wolf has went beyond and above for caring and helping others and that’s what makes her so cool.

“Improving the lives of people in need; knowing no matter what else may have happened in my day that I’ve helped someone!”

Stay true to yourself! 

– Marge Wolf


Cool Woman- Helen Brown

She is the Editor in Chief of Cosmopolitan Magazine which was turned from a failing Cosmopolitan into a successful publication. What makes her so cool? She is a former ad copywriter who hit it big in 1962 with her bestselling book “Sex and the Single Girl.” She transformed the failing Cosmopolitan Magazine into the sleek, successful “bible of the unmarried woman.” Other books include “Having It All” 1982 and her memoir “I’m Wild Again” 2000.  She was married to David Brown who co-produced “Jaws”.

“Sex is one of the three best things there are, and I don’t know what the other two are. You have to keep reciting to yourself: I’m a sexual person; I want sex in my life; I deserve it, and I’m not gonna let it disappear.”

“Men are not the enemy; a woman is not a ‘victim’. Only laziness, fear, and not getting started with goals can keep you grounded.”

“Women want what men want – to be treated equitably, to be cherished, respected, adored, and encouraged in their work.”

– Helen Brown


Cool Woman- Beverly Nix

Beverly Nix is the chief executive officer of St. Bernards Healthcare Associated Regional Providers, Inc. What makes her so cool? Nix is responsible for the oversight of the day-to-day operations of SHARP: the network provides healthcare for 230,000 people in northeast Arkansas and southeast Missouri and has more than three hundred physicians and providers. She has received multiple awards including Women Mean Business Management Award, American Red Cross Service Award, Jonesboro Business and Professional Woman of the year not only once, but twice!

“For me personally, I want my daughters to believe they can achieve anything that they work for, but with that being said, I want them to understand that an honor is not given, it is earned. As my daddy would say, ‘It is amazing how lucky you get when you work hard.”

Beverly Nix


Cool Woman – Sarah Tackett

She the a Owner and Founder of The Agency, Inc. a talent,  modeling, and casting agency.  What makes her so cool? Tackett’s involvement with the entertainment industry began as a self-employed freelance make-up artist for film and video production. She began to enlist local talent while looking to provide a pool for client casting needs.  She has worked for award-winning directors including Billy Bob Thornton, “Slingblade:” Mike Nichols, “Biloxi Blues:’ and Ray McKinnon, “Chrystal.”  Member of the Arkansas Entertainers Hall of Fame.

“The great thing about Sarah Tackett is that she’s not only an amazing Casting Director with a great eye for talent but she also thinks outside the box. She’ll beat the bushes for you. I’m proud to have worked with her and proud to call her my friend.”

– Billy Bob Thornton


7 Canons of Journalism

So recently In my mass communications class for college I was taught and informed of the seven canons of Journalism. I had never heard of them, yet everyday these seven canons of Journalism were apart of my daily life whenever I read an article in the newspaper, or in my favorite magazine, and so on. The seven canons of Journalism were founded by the American Society of Newspapers Editors. The American Society of News Editors focuses on leadership development and journalism-related issues. ASNE was founded in 1922 as a nonprofit professional organization, which promotes fair, principled journalism, defends and protects First Amendment rights, and fights for freedom of information and open government. Leadership, innovation, diversity and inclusion in coverage and the journalism work force, youth journalism and the sharing of ideas are also key purposes for the American Society of News Editors. ASNE created the seven canons of Journalism in response to the over abundance of sensationalism. Sensationalism is the use of exciting or shocking stories or language at the expense of accuracy, in order to provoke public interest or excitement. It usually is in a form of exaggeration and lurid elements to produce a startling effect.  ASNE decide to put a end to that and now they play a vital role in the news that we received yesterday, receive today, and will soon receive tomorrow. The 7 Canons of Journalism are known as: Responsibility, Freedom of the Press, Independence, Sincerity and truthfulness and accuracy, Impartiality, Fair play, and Decency and now I will inform you about each of them.

The first canon of Journalism is Responsibility.  In Journalism as a Journalist it is their responsibility to always consider the public’s welfare. They should never print false information, stories, or other media for readers. Newspapers and magazines have over millions of readers world wide. Newspapers and magazines are what we go to for information, we are putting our trust into the writers and editors. So what is placed in the press should be a hundred percent true. Our trust lies in the journalist and it is their “Responsibility” to remain that trust between their readers and their journalism.

The next canon of Journalism is Freedom of the Press.  The Freedom of Press is based on the First Amendment rights. Which basically is saying that journalist have the free will to say, think, and speak on matters, people, the government, and anything else that they want to. They can not be stopped from voicing or publishing their opinion. Journalist also are allowed to get information from wherever and whomever they wish. This could be t.v ( which I would not trust very much in today’s world) or radio or other newspapers. Either way it goes canon Freedom of the Press states that the 1st Amendment rights are to be guarded as vital and unquestionable.

prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble – See more at:
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble – See more at: protects the writer’s right to say what they would like to say. As long as it is the truth then they can not get in trouble for what they write and say in the article. The person has the right to say what he believes the public has the right to know. This can help readers find out things that they may not normally know about someone or something. If the article shows negativity on someone or thing then they will be protected by the Freedom of Press Canon or the First Amendment which is freedom of speech. An example would be if a reporter was telling about a company and how all of these things they are doing are effecting the environment and it is the truth they can print it. The company would not be able to get the reporter in trouble as long as they printed the truth Independence in the article is essential for the journalist so that they are not bias to one thing. It is best for them to be independent form sources, politics, and advertises so that they can hit all readers at a different level and some do not feel like they are trying to be sold on something. This also helps from the media being taking over by politicians that could possible tell lies and give you false information so that you do not know the truth about them. An example would be if they were writing about this new park that the city is about to build they should not put that either this politician or business is behind this and they are trying to promote them to look like the good guys because they like them.

The third canon of Journalism is Independence. Independence for a journalist in journalism is so that there is independence from sources,politics, and advertisers which is very, very essential. This helps readers to know that what they are reading about is not just some undercover writer, sponsored by a source or politics of some kind being paid to say such great things about them in their paper. Newspapers, reports, and article readers, due to Independence, do not have to worry about outside influences and can believe that what they are reading is based on facts.

The fourth canon of Journalism is Sincerity, Truthfulness, and Accuracy. Sincerity, Truthfulness, and Accuracy are the three primary qualities that are to be the foundation of all journalism. Journalist should take in consideration “Sincerity” to their readers and audiences. This could be when publishing about a death, a tragic happening, a catastrophe, a natural disaster, or anything that falls along those lines. There should be thoughtfulness, caring,and genuineness with the reader. Truthfulness is also to be considered as a main quality of journalism because that is good business and sets the platform for that newspaper, magazine, or journalist. Accuracy is very important simply because readers do not need to hear about a story that took place a week, year, or even day later. Time should be well in consideration so that the reader can be informed as soon as possible and up to date on what is happening around them. Sincerity, Truthfulness, and Accuracy if considered thoroughly by a journalist will allow that journalist to already be a step ahead.

Moving along, the fifth canon of Journalism is Impartiality. Impartiality is where news reports should be free from opinion or bias of any kind. They should always report facts and just not what they think about on the subject. If the story is about a certain issue, it should look at both sides of the situation, and news reports should solidly stay from only providing their opinion and intake on one side of the matter to the audience.  This will allow them to stay away from being bias on any form or level.  This will also allow the  reader, listener, and audience to not be influenced by the opinion of the report and reporter. When I see this canon matters like abortion, advertising, and other things come to mind. I just recently read an article about abortion and both sides of abortion’s pro’s and con’s were considered and at the end of reading that article even though my opinion remained the same. I actually was provided with a different look at the other possible outcome of abortion that I had never realized before. Only because of how the article report was written, including both intakes, allowed the article report to meet the qualifications of Impartiality. It was free from opinion or bias of any kind.

Close to the end, the next to last and sixth canon of Journalism is Fair Play. Fair Play is when opposing views should be solicited on public issues and accusations; papers should publish prompt and complete corrections of mistakes. This is basically saying that if one should write or publicize about a matter, issue, person, or etc. that they need to have all the correct mistakes, problems, and issues that have occurred and taking place. Also they must consider they to whatever or whoever they are writing about that their side or opinion should also be taken into consideration. This ties in with the previous canon, Impartiality, about both sides being stated and staying away from bias of any kind. So the canon Fair Play, is for those dumb celebrities, ( Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus for instance), that decide to do dumb things that go world wide and it is later published about. Fair Play saves you so that possibly your reasoning will change how the world looks at you.

And lastly, finally the last canon of Journalism is Decency!!!!! Decency is where papers should avoid “deliberate pandering to vicious instincts” such as details of crime and vice. This simply means do not only write about the bad things in the world to make it appears as if only crime and evil consume our world. Because even though a lot, A Lot, of that takes place throughout the world. We are still blessed to have a lot of good in the world too.  And sometimes the good does not even get as much attention as it should.  Decency allows readers to not only get the negativity from a journalist.

The 7 Canons of Journalism which again are; Responsibility, Freedom of the Press, Independence, Sincerity and truthfulness and accuracy, Impartiality, Fair play, and Decency were created so that there was a clear understanding of what is truthful and what is false, what is right and what is wrong, and what should be said and what should be left unsaid. The 7 Canons of Journalism were honestly one of the greatest creations by the American Society of Newspapers Editors simply because it benefits the multiple readers worldwide and also allows Journalist to have their freedom of press, yet still have some restrictions so that they do not overly exceed that freedom.

Of course being the person I am , I can not publish a blog without a quote even on a essay like this!

The less you know, the more you believe.”
– Bono

I still believe that if your aim is to change the world, journalism is a more immediate short-term weapon.”
– Tom Stoppard


The sunset is part of our everyday life. Sometimes we are able to catch a glimpse or view of it and sometimes we are too consumed with our daily lives to stop and take in the precious view of it. While out on a peaceful bike ride, I did not pass up the opportunity. The view was indescribable and this picture only captures half of its’ beauty.

“Dusk is just an illusion because the sun is either above the horizon or below it. And that means that day and night are linked in a way that few things are there cannot be one without the other yet they cannot exist at the same time. How would it feel I remember wondering to be always together yet forever apart?”
―     Nicholas Sparks,     The Notebook

